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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs Nominated for Time Magazine "Person of the Year"

NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams has appointed Steve Jobs of Apple co-founder of Time Magazine "Person of the Year." Williams said in his speech the job application: A man who changed our world, and Seth Meyers told as we walked along Sixth Avenue, "Just look at this ride with me in a block in the way that changed the world in which Look around how changed the world "not only change the world, but he gave us this new spirit that something was possible we could see a piece of plastic or glass, and move your finger -.. c is odd. You can make things bigger or smaller, like that. "Oh, the places you go" oh, and how will forever change the music industry and television. So you can rest in peace, Steve Jobs, and spirit it represents, is my candidate for Person of the Year. If elected, Jobs will be the first person to receive the award posthumously. Steve Jobs was a mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, 2010 Person of the Year. Person time of year is awarded to "a person, couple, group, idea, place, or machine" for better or for worse, ... has done most to influence events of the year. " Past technology-related prices rose U.S. scientists in 1960, the astronauts of Apollo 8 in 1968, "You" in 2006, which is the creator of the content of each on the Internet, "Computer" in 1982.


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