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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs' Apple had another role: movie star

Under Steve Jobs, Apple has become a part of everyday life in many ways. However, their products have also been infiltrated by a less obvious part of our lives: the perspective of the entertainment.

Jobs, who died Wednesday at 56, of course, co-founder and director of Pixar Animation incalculable blow incubator. However, their influence on the entertainment screen was more subtle than that. Jobs and Apple suddenly realized that the only way to get consumer acceptance (except, you know, the creation of attractive products) was for your logo to make frequent appearances in film and television. So the company hired experts in the placement of products that can get the logo on our shows.

From back in the 1990s (well before the product placement was de rigueur) Macintosh began to appear in the mega-hits like "Seinfeld" and "Independence Day".

As the company's products began to gain dominance of the consumer, first with the trends of the Mac and later with the iPod and iPhone, manufacturers have begun to have them in their films. (Marketing Hollywood never admit these appearances are often paid it is a barter agreement -. See our products and we will give you plenty of freebies - but pay for the screen time is not uncommon.)

Soon Apple products were everywhere. Carrie Bradshaw uses a MacBook in "Sex and the City" and Michael Scott gave an iPhone in "The Office". In 2008, Apple products appeared in nearly 50% of the films that won the box office this year, according to the channel group brand marketing industry.

It was not Apple mania confined to Hollywood. Chen Daming, director of a Chinese remake of Mel Gibson hit "What Women Want", said recently that the company would be out of 100 computers to be used as accessories.

Any adjustments to the employment strategy of Apple "show as a mark used by people who wanted to emulate. (Carrie keeps pecking the details of his glamorous life on a Mac, but workers from" The Office ", for example, crop PC soft, normal).

Of course, as other companies began to see the fruits of Apple, they would too. Sony has begun to replace Apple's products with its own gadgets in the films of his studio division. Last year, the number of box-office winners display of Apple products up to 30%.

However, this figure was higher than giants like Nike or Ford, according to the brand channel. (And his appearances can be relentless - "Iron Man 2" showed that 64 products from Apple.) It is a testament to Apple's marketing experts that the equation was reversed to see a character who uses a. Apple product could have done once we see Apple in a different light, more attractive. Now we see the character do that.

Since the careful management of its brand image, we do not expect Apple to abandon entertainment screens in the near future. And death Jobs', we would not be surprised to see the film, many of whom have changed their movies on their computer, they start to slip a reference to Apple co-founder.


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