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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

steve jobs biography

What is a CEO long, strange trip it was. With the Monday release of the official biography of Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, many are combing the pages of ideas about what made the great big man - and not so great, given how fucking old friend and partner of Apple Steve Wozniak with a bonus, while working at Atari.

What fascinates Jobs is its unique combination of success and an uncompromising vision fulfilled or cash. He was her favorite local band to do what they do best - and became rich playing the hits. There are many brilliant minds in business, but few contests that employment was special, and the new biography of Steve Jobs has many reflections on the formation of a business star. First year of employment "and were very entertaining read as an HBO series: the search for a vegetarian smelly, that cocky after discovering he was adopted.'s Going on a spiritual quest in India, leading to its use of meditation for achieve this turnover and creative people want: a clear, bright mind under stress.

"I'll come back [to America], after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the folly of the Western world as well as the capacity for rational thought. If you just sit back and watch, you can see how a restless mind. If you try to relieve it will only aggravate, but over time it is quiet, and when he has room to hear the finer things -... is intuition begins to bloom, and you can begin to see things more clearly and be more than the will only slow down your mind and you will see a huge expanse of time, you can see much more than you could see before it's discipline, you must put into practice. "

The irony of employment as a future force in the madness of the Western world has not lost to us, but the man used a short 56 years to transform personal computing and how we relate to media, so we to let one pass. Undoubtedly, the CEO will take the road passes to the hippie era emulation works by acid this weekend. We hope that the streets of California that is filled with clothes themselves look like extras from The Walking Dead lead, Rolex and rock comb-overs.

Learn more: # ixzz1dsLwbGoe


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