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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs the movie: Sony buys rights

The studio behind the Oscar-nominated social network Facebook is developing a biopic of Steve Jobs, on the basis of a forthcoming authorized biography of the late co-founder of Apple.

Reports expiry is set at Sony Pictures to acquire rights to afford the former Time magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson, simply called Steve Jobs, is the sum of seven chapters. It 'the first film to tell the story of the founder of Apple screen, even if made for TV docudrama, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Jobs already immortalized in 1999, the role of ER Noah Wyle is.

The launch of Isaacson's biography rushed to October 24 following the death of its subject, last week with a rare form of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 years. It is based on interviews with more than 40 works completed over two years - as well as interviews with more than 100 family members, friends, enemies, competitors and colleagues. At one point last week the book hit # 1 on the bestseller list on Amazon based on pre-orders alone.

Isaacson has written bestselling biographies of Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger and Benjamin Franklin. It 'was reported as complete access to the work, including a personal tour of his subject's childhood home.

Mark Gordon, the man behind films such as Speed, Saving Private Ryan and the source code will produce the film version of Sony.


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