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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs addresses lack of Mac design awards at WWDC

Despite some critics predict that the strict control of the Apple iPhone platform developers push into the arms open and welcoming to Android, iPhone development seems to be stronger than ever. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference to come, for example, are sold in just eight days - a new record. By comparison, sales last year's conference in almost a month.

But WWDC is not just about the iPhone is also on the Mac. Or one might think. IPhone WWDC this year is definitely heavy, a fact reflected in the relatively small number of Mac-sessions in conjunction with Apple's decision to end the Apple Design Awards for Mac applications.

So what does all this mean? Attention is on Apple Mac decline?

We do not bet, but, of course, some Mac developers expressed a bit 'worried about this year's WWDC iPhone-centric. Matthias Gansrigler, Flickery developer, this is an individual, and decided to e-mail to Apple CEO Steve Jobs to see what was happening.


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