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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs has seen the Oscars, advertising iPad works

It was not online for an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his costume design is, but a bit of an eagle-eyed bloggers on the spot in the 82nd Academy Awards Sunday night, saying that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was present . In a tuxedo, not a black turtleneck.

It was not online for an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his costume design is, but a bit of an eagle-eyed bloggers on the spot in the 82nd Academy Awards Sunday night, saying that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was present . In a tuxedo, not a black turtleneck.

Blogger and Web video personality Wayne Sutton fired a long-range shot of a person he believed to be employment, accompanied by "OMG it's Steve Jobs, I'm the one yelling at him." In fact, Sutton Photo Jobs deposition shows the unique profile of Kodak Theater in Hollywood. CNET tabled a question to Apple PR to make sure it's him (Jobs has a famous satire blog impersonator, after all).

Jobs is right to be at the Oscars, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he played once obtained on screen by actor Noah Wylie in a film made for television: the CEO of Apple acquired the animation studio Pixar in 1986, before selling it to Disney two decades later. It is now the largest individual shareholder of Disney, Pixar "Up" was nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Film category this year.

This could make some interesting discussion Oscar afterparties. But at least now, the night Jobs' is probably centered on "Up."

Mais aussi work east ambiguity, powerful personnage dans l'industrie du divertissement. Location of Magasin de Ventes you Apple iTunes Needed Longues negotiations, ce que les debuts de son dispositif public mois de iPad tablet Upcoming pourrait rendre a more compliquée. Son de dispositif the Apple TV, the UN été des produits de profil bas les plus the entreprise, corn avec l'industrie du plus que jamais Câble The Troubles (à la bataille entre savoir et de l'ABC Cablevision Disney Property ), the Le Tour de fleche pourrait être of an Apple gros muscles, the more I do not matière de divertissement et de Vidéo Broadcasting.

UPDATE (5:15 PT): Twitter-Bruges John Chu and charged Oscar anholdt uddelingen med ved Steve Jobs, the mother of Bevis mindre eller in det er faktisk Steve Jobs.

ACTUALIZACIÓN (17:54 PT): A anuncio de la iPad, pública haciendo el 3 de abril versión of the fecha, run en los Oscars, aunque no está de Participación necesariamente correlacionado with Jobs. Publicado fue en el anuncio break the trans Publicity aceptación Christoph Waltz es el Mejor Actor prize at the Department of por "Inglourious Basterds."

UPDATE (5:59 PT): "Up" won the Oscar for best animated film.

UPDATE (6:23 PT): Here's a little 'grainy screen grab of the video, which is currently the only version of the iPad, the first television spot, which is in line:


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