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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Steve Jobs addresses lack of Mac design awards at WWDC

Despite some critics predict that the strict control of the Apple iPhone platform developers push into the arms open and welcoming to Android, iPhone development seems to be stronger than ever. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference to come, for example, are sold in just eight days - a new record. By comparison, sales last year's conference in almost a month.

But WWDC is not just about the iPhone is also on the Mac. Or one might think. IPhone WWDC this year is definitely heavy, a fact reflected in the relatively small number of Mac-sessions in conjunction with Apple's decision to end the Apple Design Awards for Mac applications.

So what does all this mean? Attention is on Apple Mac decline?

We do not bet, but, of course, some Mac developers expressed a bit 'worried about this year's WWDC iPhone-centric. Matthias Gansrigler, Flickery developer, this is an individual, and decided to e-mail to Apple CEO Steve Jobs to see what was happening.

Steve Jobs is a recipient of the Jim Henson Celebration Honor Award

Macworld reports that Steve Jobs is one of the recipients of the honor of Jim Henson Celebration - one of the four awards Jim Henson. Founded in 2005, the awards program recognizes organizations, individuals or products that reflect the values ​​and philosophy of Jim Henson and the company he founded. The criteria used in the evaluation process include: a commitment to creativity, innovative applications of art and technology, and inspiration of others.

Apple and Steve Jobs will be honored with "Lifetime Achievement in Technology" Award

According to the newspapers of Beverly Hills (The Courier), Steve Jobs (CEO and co-founder of Apple) will be honored with the title "Lifetime Achievement in Technology" in the Vision Awards in Beverly Hilton on 23 this month. It will be the 40th anniversary of this award.

However, this is certainly not the first title of the award, or that Steve is off. In November last year, has also received the "CEO of the Decade" title, and was named "most valuable CEO of the world" by Barron's. And once again, earlier this year, in March 2010, he managed to make room in her name an annual list of the world's best CEOs by Barron. That same month, "Fortune Survey Report," was published Apple's CEO said that as "the most intelligent and CEO," and their leader, Jonathan Ive, as "intelligent designer" Tech. the industry. Apple, as the company was declared a "Top Rated Company in the World 2010", and that too in a row for the third year in a row. The report also revealed that, in the 2010 annual ranking, "World's Most Admired Companies," Apple Computer, Inc. has been at the top of the list for the third consecutive year, and the highest margin ever ten years of history, winning the other internet giants like Google and Microsoft. [Via 9to5Mac]

Steve Jobs has seen the Oscars, advertising iPad works

It was not online for an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his costume design is, but a bit of an eagle-eyed bloggers on the spot in the 82nd Academy Awards Sunday night, saying that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was present . In a tuxedo, not a black turtleneck.

It was not online for an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his costume design is, but a bit of an eagle-eyed bloggers on the spot in the 82nd Academy Awards Sunday night, saying that Apple CEO Steve Jobs was present . In a tuxedo, not a black turtleneck.

Blogger and Web video personality Wayne Sutton fired a long-range shot of a person he believed to be employment, accompanied by "OMG it's Steve Jobs, I'm the one yelling at him." In fact, Sutton Photo Jobs deposition shows the unique profile of Kodak Theater in Hollywood. CNET tabled a question to Apple PR to make sure it's him (Jobs has a famous satire blog impersonator, after all).

Jobs is right to be at the Oscars, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he played once obtained on screen by actor Noah Wylie in a film made for television: the CEO of Apple acquired the animation studio Pixar in 1986, before selling it to Disney two decades later. It is now the largest individual shareholder of Disney, Pixar "Up" was nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Film category this year.

This could make some interesting discussion Oscar afterparties. But at least now, the night Jobs' is probably centered on "Up."

Mais aussi work east ambiguity, powerful personnage dans l'industrie du divertissement. Location of Magasin de Ventes you Apple iTunes Needed Longues negotiations, ce que les debuts de son dispositif public mois de iPad tablet Upcoming pourrait rendre a more compliquée. Son de dispositif the Apple TV, the UN été des produits de profil bas les plus the entreprise, corn avec l'industrie du plus que jamais Câble The Troubles (à la bataille entre savoir et de l'ABC Cablevision Disney Property ), the Le Tour de fleche pourrait être of an Apple gros muscles, the more I do not matière de divertissement et de Vidéo Broadcasting.

UPDATE (5:15 PT): Twitter-Bruges John Chu and charged Oscar anholdt uddelingen med ved Steve Jobs, the mother of Bevis mindre eller in det er faktisk Steve Jobs.

ACTUALIZACIÓN (17:54 PT): A anuncio de la iPad, pública haciendo el 3 de abril versión of the fecha, run en los Oscars, aunque no está de Participación necesariamente correlacionado with Jobs. Publicado fue en el anuncio break the trans Publicity aceptación Christoph Waltz es el Mejor Actor prize at the Department of por "Inglourious Basterds."

UPDATE (5:59 PT): "Up" won the Oscar for best animated film.

UPDATE (6:23 PT): Here's a little 'grainy screen grab of the video, which is currently the only version of the iPad, the first television spot, which is in line:

Steve Jobs: Birthdays, prizes, contest asks for annual general meetings and iPhone 3.1.2

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has had 55 years ago this week, according to TUAW, we'll start by wishing him a healthy, happy birthday, peace and prosperity! What makes you the man who gave us the Apple II, Mac, Pixar, iPod, iTunes, Apple Store, iPhone and iPad? Well, some prices are not a bad starting point ...

MWC awards and Jim Henson

Although there is the Apple iPhone was the Mobile World Congress, reports Macworld: Steve Jobs still won the award for "Mobile Personality of the Year". (Stephen Fry will be accepted on his behalf).

Macworld says that the work received from the Jim Henson Company, Award / Honor Celebration reflects the "basic values ​​and philosophy of the legendary Jim Henson and the company he founded."

Calling all iTunes $ 10K winners

Although he did not win a prize, Steve Jobs was personally call the winner of its competition as well - in this case the man who won 10000000000 e Download iTunes song. Rolling Stone got more details:

Steve Jobs' Apple had another role: movie star

Under Steve Jobs, Apple has become a part of everyday life in many ways. However, their products have also been infiltrated by a less obvious part of our lives: the perspective of the entertainment.

Jobs, who died Wednesday at 56, of course, co-founder and director of Pixar Animation incalculable blow incubator. However, their influence on the entertainment screen was more subtle than that. Jobs and Apple suddenly realized that the only way to get consumer acceptance (except, you know, the creation of attractive products) was for your logo to make frequent appearances in film and television. So the company hired experts in the placement of products that can get the logo on our shows.

From back in the 1990s (well before the product placement was de rigueur) Macintosh began to appear in the mega-hits like "Seinfeld" and "Independence Day".

As the company's products began to gain dominance of the consumer, first with the trends of the Mac and later with the iPod and iPhone, manufacturers have begun to have them in their films. (Marketing Hollywood never admit these appearances are often paid it is a barter agreement -. See our products and we will give you plenty of freebies - but pay for the screen time is not uncommon.)

Soon Apple products were everywhere. Carrie Bradshaw uses a MacBook in "Sex and the City" and Michael Scott gave an iPhone in "The Office". In 2008, Apple products appeared in nearly 50% of the films that won the box office this year, according to the channel group brand marketing industry.

It was not Apple mania confined to Hollywood. Chen Daming, director of a Chinese remake of Mel Gibson hit "What Women Want", said recently that the company would be out of 100 computers to be used as accessories.

Any adjustments to the employment strategy of Apple "show as a mark used by people who wanted to emulate. (Carrie keeps pecking the details of his glamorous life on a Mac, but workers from" The Office ", for example, crop PC soft, normal).

Of course, as other companies began to see the fruits of Apple, they would too. Sony has begun to replace Apple's products with its own gadgets in the films of his studio division. Last year, the number of box-office winners display of Apple products up to 30%.

However, this figure was higher than giants like Nike or Ford, according to the brand channel. (And his appearances can be relentless - "Iron Man 2" showed that 64 products from Apple.) It is a testament to Apple's marketing experts that the equation was reversed to see a character who uses a. Apple product could have done once we see Apple in a different light, more attractive. Now we see the character do that.

Since the careful management of its brand image, we do not expect Apple to abandon entertainment screens in the near future. And death Jobs', we would not be surprised to see the film, many of whom have changed their movies on their computer, they start to slip a reference to Apple co-founder.

Steve Jobs the movie: Sony buys rights

The studio behind the Oscar-nominated social network Facebook is developing a biopic of Steve Jobs, on the basis of a forthcoming authorized biography of the late co-founder of Apple.

Reports expiry is set at Sony Pictures to acquire rights to afford the former Time magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson, simply called Steve Jobs, is the sum of seven chapters. It 'the first film to tell the story of the founder of Apple screen, even if made for TV docudrama, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Jobs already immortalized in 1999, the role of ER Noah Wyle is.

The launch of Isaacson's biography rushed to October 24 following the death of its subject, last week with a rare form of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 years. It is based on interviews with more than 40 works completed over two years - as well as interviews with more than 100 family members, friends, enemies, competitors and colleagues. At one point last week the book hit # 1 on the bestseller list on Amazon based on pre-orders alone.

Isaacson has written bestselling biographies of Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger and Benjamin Franklin. It 'was reported as complete access to the work, including a personal tour of his subject's childhood home.

Mark Gordon, the man behind films such as Speed, Saving Private Ryan and the source code will produce the film version of Sony.

Yoko Ono to present Steve Jobs, MTV Music Awards Tribute to O

TV is upping its Apple factor S Music Awards with a plan for introducing Yoko Ono tribute Flaming Lips' music to Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs.Ono window of John Lennon, speaks of her late husband and job to the lips perform "Revolution", one of the compositions of Lennon-McCartney of the Beatles White Album. "The show was filmed entirely on the iPad.

Steve Jobs: His Life & Legacy

"Like John Lennon, the man I love deeply, Steve Jobs was a dream that changed the world," Ono is expected to say during ceremonies line that begins October 31 at 8:30 PT on " But of course, when you lose a genius of his caliber, they are never truly gone. They live all around us, through our memories, words and work. Their spirit is developed in us forever at the end of the day. "

The Beatles' company and the brand is also named Apple, and both sides have been involved in numerous lawsuits over the rights and images to be resolved before the Beatles catalog was made available on iTunes.

In addition, at midnight, October 31, Flaming Lips, published 24 hours, the song, called "7SkiesH3", a USB drive packed inside the human skull. There were only 13 made.

Other performers and presenters at the ceremony is Robyn, Alabama shakes, Kelly Clarkson, Demi Lovato, Odd Future Tyler the Creator, Travis McCoy, Midi Mafia and DJ Diamond Kuts.

Steve Jobs Nominated for Time Magazine "Person of the Year"

NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams has appointed Steve Jobs of Apple co-founder of Time Magazine "Person of the Year." Williams said in his speech the job application: A man who changed our world, and Seth Meyers told as we walked along Sixth Avenue, "Just look at this ride with me in a block in the way that changed the world in which Look around how changed the world "not only change the world, but he gave us this new spirit that something was possible we could see a piece of plastic or glass, and move your finger -.. c is odd. You can make things bigger or smaller, like that. "Oh, the places you go" oh, and how will forever change the music industry and television. So you can rest in peace, Steve Jobs, and spirit it represents, is my candidate for Person of the Year. If elected, Jobs will be the first person to receive the award posthumously. Steve Jobs was a mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, 2010 Person of the Year. Person time of year is awarded to "a person, couple, group, idea, place, or machine" for better or for worse, ... has done most to influence events of the year. " Past technology-related prices rose U.S. scientists in 1960, the astronauts of Apollo 8 in 1968, "You" in 2006, which is the creator of the content of each on the Internet, "Computer" in 1982.

steve jobs biography

What is a CEO long, strange trip it was. With the Monday release of the official biography of Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, many are combing the pages of ideas about what made the great big man - and not so great, given how fucking old friend and partner of Apple Steve Wozniak with a bonus, while working at Atari.

What fascinates Jobs is its unique combination of success and an uncompromising vision fulfilled or cash. He was her favorite local band to do what they do best - and became rich playing the hits. There are many brilliant minds in business, but few contests that employment was special, and the new biography of Steve Jobs has many reflections on the formation of a business star. First year of employment "and were very entertaining read as an HBO series: the search for a vegetarian smelly, that cocky after discovering he was adopted.'s Going on a spiritual quest in India, leading to its use of meditation for achieve this turnover and creative people want: a clear, bright mind under stress.

"I'll come back [to America], after seven months in Indian villages, I saw the folly of the Western world as well as the capacity for rational thought. If you just sit back and watch, you can see how a restless mind. If you try to relieve it will only aggravate, but over time it is quiet, and when he has room to hear the finer things -... is intuition begins to bloom, and you can begin to see things more clearly and be more than the will only slow down your mind and you will see a huge expanse of time, you can see much more than you could see before it's discipline, you must put into practice. "

The irony of employment as a future force in the madness of the Western world has not lost to us, but the man used a short 56 years to transform personal computing and how we relate to media, so we to let one pass. Undoubtedly, the CEO will take the road passes to the hippie era emulation works by acid this weekend. We hope that the streets of California that is filled with clothes themselves look like extras from The Walking Dead lead, Rolex and rock comb-overs.

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